Author Topic: SOT23-3 SMD CODE 3HU - TL432 or LM432  (Read 12954 times)


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SOT23-3 SMD CODE 3HU - TL432 or LM432
« on: 05 December 2023, 16:03:14 »
Add to S-Manual SMD Code

I have a SOT23-3 IC which acts as an LM432 or TL432 Programmable Precision Shunt Regulator

It is marked 3HU with H with a line on top of it. It has the standard 2.5V volt reference and acts exactly like that chip.

Another shunt regulator that acts the same way is the HA17431VLTP from Renasas.

There are a lot of marking codes for this IC reference but this is another one.